Wylie's Beaux Gestes: A guide to French body talk

Great book for Wylie, and very nostalgic pictures too!

For those who aren’t aware, Laurence Wylie was one of the most famous (and beloved) French professors at harvard, and author of “A Village in the Vaucluse” an anthropological study of living in a French village in the south of France.

Laurence Wylie (Harvard Memoriam Page)
“Laurence Wylie was born in Indianapolis on November 19, 1909. He was the son of a Methodist minister of Scotch-Irish descent; his mother was of English Quaker stock. He acquired the nickname Red because of his hair. In his early years, he moved from one small town to the other, and later his family settled in Bloomington. He went to Indiana University where he was on the wrestling team and played the piccolo in the University band. Continue reading “Wylie's Beaux Gestes: A guide to French body talk”

Roland Barthes Par Roland Barthes

Roland Barthes by himself. Hmm. First published in 1975, this is an odd work. A certain dislocating anxiety pervades the book when I read it for the first time at the University of Illinois. Or was it Stanford? I forget. Hard to read straight through as it’s so reflexive, self-referencial, etc. Self-aggrandizing? Definitely. In any case, it was destined to be part of the Ëcrivains de toujours series published in France, the “écrivain x par lui-même”where a post-humous (and fictive) autobiography is cobbled together through quotes by the author himself. One of the first in this series was Michelet par lui-même.

oops.. I linked.

Roland Barthes sans peine by accident. Let me fix that ASAP.

R. BARTHES, Roland Barthes par Roland Barthes, Seuil, Paris, 1975.


Continue reading “Roland Barthes Par Roland Barthes”